Preparing for a bail hearing can be daunting. Our comprehensive guide provides practical tips to help you navigate this crucial process.

When you’re convicted of a crime in both Washington State and the rest of America, part of your sentencing includes the assignment of Legal Financial Obligations—LFOs. There is a wide array of fines, fees, and expenses associated with criminal justice in America, even for things we expect to be “free” in the sense that they’re funded by the taxpayers.

One of the most important pieces of advice you can hear about working with a bail bonds agent is that you need to ensure that they're licensed. Here are a few tips when it comes to making sure you're working with the real deal:
- Don't Feel Intimidated
- Look for an Office
- Look for a Robust Online Presence
- Go Straight to the Source

It is not at all uncommon for All City Bail Bonds to receive late-night calls from worried parents whose child has just been arrested. It’s an especially confusing, upsetting, and hectic time if you yourself have never been arrested and it’s also your child’s first arrest. You know you need to help get them out of jail and make the best decisions throughout the judicial process, but you have no idea where to start. Here are a few things to help you understand the process of arrest, jail, and bail for teenage defendants.
In the American judicial system, a major determinant of whether or not a defendant is granted bail, and how high that bail is, is whether or not they are considered a flight risk. But how does a judge determine their level of risk?
Everyone makes mistakes. In the bail industry, we see a lot of people at their lowest point. Our goal isn't to judge you, but to help you, and one of the situations we see the most often is DUIs.

Juveniles don't always have a right to bail in Washington State--know your rights!
According to the eighth amendment "cruel and unusual punishment" minors cannot be sentenced to death. Minors may be sentenced to life only with the exception of review for parole.
Discover seven compelling reasons why hiring a bail bondsman can be beneficial in our latest blog post.